TSEL’s Groundbreaking Finance Deal Recognized by Finance Asia Awards 2018

 The Finance Asia Awards 2018 recognized TSEL as the “Best Bangladesh Deal”. GuarantCo, a risk guarantee fund operating under the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG), provided a credit guarantee to support a 15-year, $13.5 million dual currency financing solution on behalf of TSEL; making it a first-of-its-kind landmark transaction for Bangladesh.


Presented By: Finance Asia Awards

This landmark transaction not only showcases TSEL’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of financial innovation but also marks a milestone in Bangladesh’s financial landscape. The deal, backed by GuarantCo’s risk mitigation expertise, serves as a model of creative financial structuring for emerging markets, enhancing Bangladesh’s reputation on the global stage. By providing long-term financial stability and setting a new standard for infrastructure financing, this partnership opens doors for future projects in Bangladesh, empowering continued growth and development.

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The recognition from Finance Asia underscores the significance of this transaction, cementing TSEL’s leadership in executing complex financial deals that benefit the nation’s energy sector and beyond.

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